The Watching Over Mothers & Babies Foundation
The Watching Over Mothers & Babies Foundation (WOMB) is an outgrowth of past research activities and a platform for new research partnerships dedicated to improving maternal-child health. The WOMB foundation is committed to the systematic exploration of those major health conditions that continue to compromise the health of pregnant women and their children.
The staff at the WOMB foundation believes that multiple avenues of scientific exploration and sustained inquiry, will lead to important diagnostic and therapeutic discoveries. These advances will ultimately contribute to the greater understanding of perinatal disease resulting in healthier mothers and babies. Much of the foundational work of WOMB centered on improving the health of women and children through the reduction and cessation of tobacco use and tobacco exposure throughout pregnancy and the postpartum period. The immediate benefit of smoking cessation for the pregnant women is improved perinatal outcome as a result of fewer preterm births, placental injury and fetal growth restriction, which collectively contribute to short and long-term infant and child developmental delay. The long-term benefits of smoking cessation for women and their families are improved health through the reduction in SIDS, newborn respiratory infections and disorders, including asthma
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