Dr. Hugh Miller
Dr. Hugh Miller created Watching Over Mothers and Babies (W.O.M.B.) in 2003. WOMB was created as a non-profit research foundation. Our non-profit status is currently under review. WOMB is based in Tucson, Arizona and is committed to improving maternal child health through research, education and programmatic development that address's the full range of health issues that confront pregnant women and their children. WOMB is involved in research on smoking cessation, advancing the therapeutic options to reduce preterm labor and more importantly preterm birth, non-invasive prenatal diagnosis, and cervical ripening methods for those patients that require induction of labor. His research team is dedicated to the health and wellbeing of all mothers and babies, present and in the future.

Diane Mercer
Diane Mercer trained as a nurse in London England and specialized in emergency room and occupational health. Her interest in research was realized early in her career and led to her becoming a clinical research coordinator nearly 14 years ago. Diane joined WOMB in 2007 and has become the Clinical Research Manager for the organization. As a skilled and experienced coordinator, Diane brings her certification in clinical research through the association of clinical research professionals.
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