About Us
Why WOMB is passionate about helping mothers challenged with pregnancy complications.
We firmly believe that pregnant women and pregnancy should be cherished, protected and considered vulnerable. This same belief led the government to designate it as a vulnerable population for the purpose of clinical research. It is only in the past few years that this guidance is beginning to change. The Federal Register has started the process of revising these time honored guidelines recognizing that significant inquiry in the many pathologic mechanisms, novel treatments and industry investment has been constrained by these limitations. Normal pregnancy is remarkably well engineered, but like many other human systems, it is also subject to serious disease which can only be properly explored in human subjects since there are not good animal models for human pregnancy.WOMB is born
WOMB was created to be a vehicle through which some of these research questions could be addressed. As a non-profit it’s focus is on its mission and it is not constrained by a large bureaucracy that is both expensive and operationally limiting. Thus, WOMB has also managed to build partnerships with basic scientists and clinicians in its quest to tackle both small and large clinical questions.
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